Saturday, December 6, 2008
Time Will Tell...
I continue to treat various infections using the protocol I learned in Germany. I am still very optimistic that this treatment approach is working. It takes time but I am still of the opinion that it will continue to bring benefits.
I have been off antibiotics and all other pharmaceutical anti-microbials for 2 months with no signs of any relapses or setbacks. Blood tests suggest that the treatment has provided benefit and we will continue to monitor over the next several months.
I feel blessed to have worked with Dr. W. in Germany and look forward to the evolution of energetic medicine in the treatment of Lyme disease.
Monday, November 10, 2008
So...There is More...
The trip to the airport was a non-issue and we arrived in Stuttgart around 7pm. Unfortunately, it was already dark and so finding the hotel which was not in our GPS was a bit challenging. It was more challenging that there are 2 hotels with the same name right across the street from each other.
Finally, we parked the car near one of them and the only elevator was blocked off. So we walked down the traffic lane and into the hotel.
We finally got to the room which was the best room I have ever stayed in. High tech beyond belief. I'll try to post the photos another time as I cannot get them right now. When you walk into the room, you put the key into the wall and everything lights up like a toy store.
We found a cart for the luggage just like the grocery stores that takes 1 euro to unlock.
They then told us where to park and we moved the car to the appropriate garage. We then decided to take all 4 of our bags (which had grown from our arrival) to check in early tonight. Unfortunately, KLM does not do early check-in.
They told us to go to Customs to get our stamp for the Bionic. We finally found customs after asking 10 people and learning that the word we needed was "Zoll" and that the "Zoll" sits secretly between an exit and a flower shop.
Then the lady with the gun came out and told us we have to come back tomorrow at 5:30am. The flight is at 6:20am so the cards are already stacked against a good morning, but that is all we can do they tell us.
So, we went to Burger King, ate our last terribly unhealthy meal, had a great sundae with oreos and likely the last diet coke before returning, we hope, to the US tomorrow.
That 1 euro cart was well worth it as it now sits right next to my bed overnight. Hopefully, no 2am alarm goes off when it finds it is not where it should be.
Then the rental car had to be returned. That was fortunately not too difficult except they could not print a receipt and so I have no idea how much the bill actually was. Since they wanted me to return to another counter to get that information, I decided to come back to the hotel.
I then walked through the airport with my underwear in my arms that I had taken out previously and left in the car when I actually still believed I might be able to check my bags tonight.
It is now 9pm and I have to get up at 4am.
Morals - wear a watch (would have been good many times on this trip), don't arrive in a big city after dark, and don't leave the first flight out, and find a better way to carry around your underwear....
Fingers crossed.
You Have Lost Your Lyme Disease!

Illness is a Bad State of the Mind
In times past, I would have been insulted by such a comment coming from a doctor as I would have interpreted such a statement to mean "it is all in your head". However, after learning about the Klinghardt Axiom and how past emotional conflicts impact our health, I can now accept that some portion of our illnesses are due to emotional traumas, how we think about ourselves, and how we respond to things that happen to us.
The exploration of how to overcome the emotional factors that contribute to illness is still one that I believe I need to further investigate. We all have issues. We all need better ways to deal with these disease contributing factors.
I remember hearing a prominent LLMD in the US recently state that a very significant number of his patients have had some history of abuse or severe psychological trauma.
Dr. W.'s comment made me stop and think that these emotional co-factors are worth further investigation. Our bodies know how to get well. They know how to let go of our illnesses. We just have to create the right environment to allow this....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Winding Down....

Today, I went to Bad Wilbad and had lunch at one of only two places open. Sundays are like a ghost town in Germany - everything is closed. At first it did not look too appealing, but it turned out to be great. Started with a wonderful potato soup with sunflower seeds and some unknown other things on top. Wow. Then had a cake called "tortilla" but was really a big, heavy mix of potatoes and onions with egg. It was interesting and quite tasty.

The only downside was that the owner and only worker in the place seemed to have a cold and kept making horrific snotting noises and then serving up the food. That was enough to make me not want to eat there but the food had already arrived....
Then I went to the Bad Wildbad spa called "Palais Thermal". It was not as good in my opinion as the one in Baden Baden and I accidentally ended up in the "Douche Damen". This one had lots of heavy, naked people running around in it. After staying there for awhile, I started getting a bit of a detox headache and decided I had enough for the day.
Returned to the guest house in Dobel in the afternoon and started to prepare for the journey home. Tomorrow will be the last appointment with Dr. W. and then the home experiment with the photons will begin....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Basel, Switzerland

Friday, November 7, 2008
ART in German!

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Photon Treatment #4

Being here continues to be great fun. The language barrier is not too difficult and at times can be somewhat comical. Today, when my friend Russ was being treated with ozone, the assistant doing the treatment said "Do you have terror?" when she really meant "Are you feeling anxious?". It was kind of a funny moment. For the most part, communicating here with the office staff is not terribly difficult though can take explaining some things a couple of times to be sure everyone is on the same page.

Today, the ozone was a bit challenging for me but all turned out fine. One of the tubes did not behave properly and some of the blood spilled out and we had to do the treatment again. This is not entirely uncommon and has happened to friends of mine doing ozone in California as well. It is just something to be prepared for. The ozone treatment can be a little unusual for those that have not had it before or are not used to seeing blood. Nevertheless, their office is very professional and never once I have I felt as though something was being done that was unsafe or unprofessional.
I talked quite a bit with Dr. W. today about photon treatments. He suggests that if the photon treatment does not work for Lyme after the first 5-8 treatments and D60 or D200 potency is still testing, this is often a sign that EMFs or electro-smog are an issue and are impacting the efficacy of the treatment.
He also feels that supplements are best avoided during photon treatment, at least at the onset. He feels that the treatment is still too early to know how supplements and photons interact, but that in his experience, the photons work better when supplements are avoided. He calls me "Super Supplement Boy" as I had the most supplements he had ever seen one person taking.
I did a SCENAR treatment with Dr. W. today as well. It lasted about an hour. I still have to understand more about exactly what it all meant but it essentially helps cellular communication, removes blockage, and helps to detoxify. As the treatment ensued, I started feeling drops of sweat coming out from under my arms and then more and more. It was a bit embarrassing and I finally asked if that was common. He said it was common and meant that the body was detoxing things that the treatment was mobilizing. Whew... I thought I was going to have to go back to a stronger antiperspirant.
The treatment was mixed with some chiropractic and was very good. Dr. W. indicates that my head is not correctly aligned on my neck and that my spine has some scoliosis likely from a car accident in 1993. This fortunately is consistent with another practitioner I started working with just about 2 months ago in the US and so I felt good that I will continue to address that issue when I return. His chiropractic treatments are absolutely amazing. One suggestion if you do them - relax. It makes the treatment work so much better. Just let go and don't resist. It is easier said than done.
Dr. W. is someone I feel very blessed to have been treated by. He clearly has some very good ideas about Lyme disease and options for treating that are unique. I would however caution anyone planning to come here to have reasonable expectations. Lyme will not be cured in 3 weeks. It may not be cured in 3 months. Generally, with German patients, Dr. W. works with them for about 3 months before he feels that the major work around Borrelia has been completed. Thus, it would be difficult for anyone coming for only 3 weeks to comment on the efficacy of the treatment. Thus, other than to say that it has been less noticeable for me than it has for some others, I am optimistic and will continue the treatments at home after I return next week. Hopefully, a few months down the road, I will be able to comment further.
This may not be the cure to everything that ails us, but it certainly does seem to be a piece of the puzzle. Whether or not the puzzle of chronic illness is solved with photons remains to be seen, but the puzzle is becoming a bit more clear as a result of this treatment.
On a side note, Germans here this week are very excited that we have a new President. Today at the "backerei" where they spoke limited English, the lady picked up the paper and pointed to Obama and said "Good" and smiled. I was told by someone else today that Americans are far less liked now in Europe than they were before George Bush was in office. We have a lot of healing to do on many levels....
A Tribute to Leslie Rae Wermers
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Day in Stuttgart

Today was an off day for treatment. Tomorrow is treatment #4 with the photons. I went to Stuttgart for the day to see the birthplace of my dear friend and mentor GiGi. It was a great day. I walked for miles and have to say that I am feeling a bit tired tonight but I really did run around for a good eight hours, most of it on foot, up and down stairs, etc. So, I expect I will sleep good tonight. I have noticed that the photon treatments also make you a little more tired at times.

I took the train from Pforzheim to Stuttgart and then visited the main shopping district near the train station. It was a plethora of upscale stores and lots of wonderful bakeries. In fact, a bakery on every block if not two or three. Of course, one has to sample these delights to fully take in the culture. In the photo above, you can see the large strudel. I have never seen such a big strudel!

I then got back on the train and stopped at another train stop and then walked a good ways again to the Killesburg Tower. This is the photo at the very top and below. It is almost like free-hanging stairs that you walk to the top. I am not the best with heights but it was a must-do as well.

After having spent a good full day in Stuttgart, it was time to get back on the train and head back to Pforzheim and then drive back to Dobel to watch some TV and get ready for treatment tomorrow.
This country is such a wonderful, beautiful place.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
BetterHealthGuy Busted!

I then went to the pumpkin soup restaurant only to find that they were out of pumpkin soup. After I dealt with the emotional issues around them having no more pumpkin soup, I found something else to order and then returned back to Dobel. :)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Photon Treatment #3
Today was the 3rd of 5 treatments planned. The next will be Thursday and the final will be next Monday. I think even when I complete the treatment here, it will take more time to really determine the ultimate benefits of the therapy.
I did ozone again today as well. No negative reaction like I had the 2nd ozone treatment. I do think the ozone is helpful and is something I will do more of as well when I return home. The photo above is a picture of me with the nurse that does many of the treatments at Dr. W.'s office.
I believe enough in the treatment that I will return with a machine that I can continue treating with at home for other issues besides Borrelia. I cannot however say that I have seen any significant progress with the first 3 treatments. I think it is unreasonable to expect miracles in a few short weeks with the complexities of the illnesses most of us with Lyme have.
There are two others here now that are being treated as well and I think their comments would be similar. Optimism is present. A belief that the treatment can provide benefits is also present. However, there are no easy miracles and it will take more time to realize the benefits of the photons.
I had a friend of mine ask whether or not it was worth coming here for treatment. I think at this time, I am cautiously optimistic. If one can afford to come to Germany to do the treatment, I would say do it. However, I think more time is needed to fully determine how Americans with complex Lyme illnesses do over time.
Other than that, today was a quiet day. Went to the mall. Stopped at a bakery. Bought some groceries. Had a pizza.
My 4th treatment is Thursday. I will likely return to Baden-Baden tomorrow to go through more of the exhibits and see what I might find there again.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
In Honor Of You My Dear Friend...

Medicine Week in Baden Baden

I had a good discussion with Mr. BuschkĂĽhl. He heads up the company that created the Bionic 880 which is the device that Dr. W. is using for the treatment of Borreliosis (Lyme Disease) and the main reason I came to Germany. He feels very confident that the device will cure Borreliosis. It can be used for other things as well such as depression, weight loss, balancing hormones, and more. It was nice to meet him in person and I look forward to more of what his machine may do in terms of bringing benefits to my health and to others who are also trying it.
Gästehaus Klein

Dobel is a great little town with bakeries, a grocery store, and a couple of nice places to eat. It is so nice to get out of the fast lane of life for a couple of weeks and just focus on healing and recovery. I am already dreading going home in about 9 days!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Really Really Guten!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Treatment #2

What a Difference a Day Makes...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A Day of Adventure...and of Reflection....

We left Lyme at the bottom. SixGoofyKids / BetterHealthGuy Long Live Photons

We had a wonderful lunch and then visited the "biscuit" store where loads of biscuits and candy were available. The store was remarkably beautiful. I was a bit nervous when SixGoofy paid for her few biscuits and it said 48 Euros. I almost dropped my bag and ran but fortunately, it wasn't as much as it appeared.
We then went to Camp de Struthof which was a concentration camp during WWII. Over 25,000 people were killed in this camp. It was very emotional. We were blessed to have met an 84 year-old man that had lived in the camps for over 2 years himself when he was 18 years old. He spent about 30 minutes talking to us about the camp. He visits only a couple of times a year and so we were very lucky. It was a special part of the day.

I found the camp very emotional. It was a dreary, rainy day and that seemed to fit very well with the sad, fearful energy that I felt at the camp.
We then went back to Strasbourg and had a nice French dinner. Lamb balls and kangaro were two of the items on the menu. Needless to say, I had chicken and french fries! Yes, true French Fries! :) The waitress was not the nicest and understood no English. I asked for the check and SixGoofy swears she said "Oui". To me, it seemed as though she made a face and then let out a deep-sounding belch!
I'll post some pictures tomorrow when I can of the various places we visited today. Off to bed now. It is late and also snowing here...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
She Thinks Me Haves The Sh***
Snap, Crackle, Pop
Dr. W. also spent some time with me teaching me how to use the Biotensor. With him in the room, I seemed to do ok with it. We will see if I can replicate that myself.
Sadly, he would still now allow me to take my teddy bear home with me though he did comment that there were some good supplements in my boxes and of the two we tested, one of them still tested very good for me.
I am trying to be a sponge and soak up as much knowledge as possible. Clearly, this man is brilliant. Still working through how to make ongoing improvements I think in his program. He does not seem to have a big ego like many US doctors and that I really appreciate.
His staff is having fun with us trying out their English and the energy here is a good one.
I had a wonderful pizza for lunch and for the first time in 3 year, a diet coke. What is the world becoming? I certainly will not want to return home now to my no-gluten, no-fun diet.... But I will....
Russ is feeling a bit better but the photon treatment clearly was very powerful. I did not feel much but it varies from person to person and with my better score on the Bicom, he said I may not feel it right away. Next treatment is on Thursday.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Treatment #1 - Oh no! Not My Teddy Bear!!

My friend Russ is also from California and has had Lyme disease for a long time and is here being treated as well. It is great to have someone to travel here with to deal with all the little things that happen along the way like being locked in a parking garage in the dark....ok that comes later. But seriously, having someone to make the journey with has been incredibly helpful.
Staying here at the Klein's has been great as well as the others here are from Lymenet and thus we have a lot to discuss and share. It helped that they have been here for a week and so were able to share their experiences with me. I also had the wonderful benefit of having several friends that have come here before me that have shared so many of the do's and don't here in Germany. So far, things are going very well.
We had a translator that came to the appointment and Dr. W. was fantastic. His English is good though for some of the more complex things, the translator was quite helpful. I appreciated very much that we had her there to assist. I remember at one point sitting in the doctor's office when his assistant came in and they were both talking in German and I thought to myself that I felt like I was in the audience of a Spanish Soap Opera...or at least that is what I feel like when I accidentally turn the channel and find something where very little of it makes sense..... I digress....
Dr. W. seemed very concerned with the length of time I had been on antibiotics. He had a look of surprise on his face that someone would be given antibiotics for so long for Lyme disease. He went through my history and then we moved on to the testing.
Dr. W. uses a Bicom device to test various points on the hand for the vitality of specific organs and of the body as a whole. Most people seem to fall at about 70. I was about the same 70-80 I believe. He did say that my colon was a weak area as well as my lungs. Then, he introduces Borrelia into the testing process and most chronic Lyme patients score between 10 and 30. The lower the score, the worse the Lyme is. My score was 40-50 to which Dr. W. said "You clearly have Lyme but your treatment to date has been very successful!"
You just don't know how much that meant. It was validation of all the "crazy" things I have done for the past 3+ years to treat my condition. I knew at that moment that a significant piece of my getting there was a focus on detoxification and specifically of the heavy metals. I had some fear that he would find that it was still very bad and was pleased to hear that things appear to be going very well.
Dr. W. shared his thoughts that the Lyme is where the heavy metals are and that mercury and Lyme go hand-in-hand. The mecury enables the Borrelia to take hold in the body. He also stated that there is less of a problem with mercury in Germany and I wonder if this may be part of why Americans with Borrelia tend to be ill for so much longer.
He stressed that EMFs or "electrosmog" is a very, very important issue and that he feels that the more one is exposed to EMFs, the less benefit one may derive from the photon treatments. He suggests working to avoid EMFs at all possible costs. He was impressed when I told him that I turn the circuit breaker off to my bedroom every night before I go to sleep.
He shared that all cells have DNA and that photons are emitted from the DNA. EMFs, metals, viruses, and bacteria damage these emissions and hamper communications between cells.
Dr. W. suggests that supplements weaken the process of the photons helping to open and restore cellular communication within the body. He told me that I would be required to stop all supplements while being treated with the photons in Germany or the process may not work. I think he sensed my emotional attachment to my supplement program and he said "Give me your teddy bear". He wasn't kidding. He would not let me take any of my supplements out of his office except for thyroid and melatonin for sleep. All the rest of my overflowing boxes are sitting on a desk outside of his office. In one way, I miss them, and in another, I feel somehow free to leave more of this illness behind. We will retest before I return home to see what he suggests my body may want at that time.
This is NOT an easy therapy at all, and the reactions can be quite strong. I do not recommend that people try to get a device and do this on their own. A good doctor would be required to support this process. Ideally, one would come to Germany to work with Dr. W. I am getting ahead of myself as it is too early to comment on the outcome of the treatment after just one day. So, let's get back to today....
I walked to the pharmacy down the street to get the various products that he uses in the detox IV after the photon therapy is completed. Solidago for kidneys, Lymphomyosot for lymphatics, Hepar Compositum for liver, magnesium are all used in the IV after the treatment. Borrelia nosodes are also purchased for use with the photons.
I did my photon treatment which takes 10 sessions of 320 seconds each on a different point on the body. I could feel a mild awakening of some of the cells; a mild energetic sensation. Otherwise, I did not notice much. With a score of 50, Dr. W. suggested I may not feel a strong response.
I did the photons, the detox IV, and the ozone and that was it for the day. I go back tomorrow for some structural work with chiropractic to help the treatment work even better by allowing better flows of energy throughout the body.
When we returned to the parking garage, we quickly learned that we did not know how to get out and it took us a good 15 minutes to find someone that walked us to another floor to find a machine that was still working. Then, it would only take coins not bills. It finally got sorted out but not before there was a line of people behind us that we were blocking at the exit. They did not seem to bothered by it.
My friend Russ reacted much more strongly to the treatment with a pounding headache, nausea, and dizziness. He returned to the guesthouse and went right to bed and looked quite ill. His score was 10 and Dr. W. suggested that his infection was quite old and that his response to the photons would be more intense. It was.
Dr. W. suggested that CD57 scores can be tracked from session to session even and that the numbers clearly rise. I did one before I left CA and will do another when I return.
He also suggests that co-infections are helped by the photons as well though this is an area that they are continuing to adapt with their treatment protocol.
In aligning this to my understanding of the 5 Levels of Healing from Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. W. commented that this is healing on a higher level and that when you use the photons you don't need all the supplements as they are on a lower level. That made sense to me. I feel so blessed to have Dr. Klinghardt as one of my mentors, teachers, and friends. He has shaped so much of my understanding of these diseases and been such an important part of my journey.
When my friend Russ mentioned to Dr. W. that he had problems with memory, getting lost, etc., Dr. W. joked "Alzheimers". He said that it is the kind of thing that makes you forget that you paid the bill and you pay it twice and then joked "with the photons you won't have that problem and you will only pay me once". :)
It has been a long day and I am off to bed now. I feel blessed to be here. I thank the universe for all that have been a part of my journey. My friends at home and afar. My practitioners along the way. My fellow friends working through our own journeys with Lyme. You are all special and meaningful. Tonight, I go to bed smiling inside.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday Ye Shall Rest

It's been great staying here at the guest house with so many other people with Lyme disease and hearing about all of their experiences with Dr. W. so far. They tell me I will feel quite ill tomorrow if I follow in their pattern. I think that will make me smile and reinforce my belief and hope that this treatment can actually work.
2 Additional Blogs
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Welcome to My New Dobel Home

Then it was on to Dobel. Stopped at a grocery store after having made a wrong turn (many bad things turn into good ones) and picked up a few things to take to the guest house. Fortunately, a friend at home had given me a coin to use to get a grocery cart out of the locked stalls at the store. Worked like a charm. Unfortunately, I confused peanut butter for pate. I am glad I figured it out before I ended up at home with pate. Yuck! No one understood what I meant by soy milk or rice milk, so I guess a little cow vomit will have to do for a few days. :)
After having arrived at the guest house, I met several people from the US. It was great to talk with them and to hear of their progress. I will keep their names and stories private and allow them to share as they feel appropriate. It’s so nice though being here in the guest house with many people that have shared similar journeys in the past and are now sharing on this new healing journey together.
I’ve been up now for almost 30 hours with not more than a light nap here and there. So, I’m off to bed and looking forward to my first appointment with Dr. Woitzel on Monday.
So far so good. Almost there...

I had a six hour layover in Amsterdam and am blogging now from the Amsterdam airport after having taken the train from Schiphol to Amsterdam Centraal Station. There I went on a canal cruise and had lunch at Tivoli Pizza.
Yes, I was able make a deal with my doctor to allow me to eat gluten on the trip as it would be difficult to find food to eat otherwise. I have to say, the pizza was GREAT.
Leaving in about 15 minutes for Stuttgart and then will rent a car and drive to Dobel where I will be staying. It is now around 6am in California and I have been up now for over 24 hours. Still doing well but will be so happy to see a bed and a pillow in about six hours.
The worst problem of the day was when I dropped my passport on the floor in the nasty stall in the men's room in the Amsterdam airport. Being the germaphobe than I am, that was not a good moment. I am sure people were wondering why I was using soap on my passport.
Thanks for all the ongoing support. I am hopeful and look forward to blogging more about the trip. My first appointment with Dr. Woitzel is Monday.
Until later....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Almost Off...

I have just updated my current supplement list and it can be found here.