Today was my second photon treatment. The treatment went well. I didn't notice much from the photons like the others have but then my initial load was less and Dr. W. suggested I may not feel as much.
He joked with me right away today "Scottie...are you missing your teddy bear?" referring of course to the supplements that he confiscated and still keeps in his office away from my reach...
I then did an ozone treatment. This was a little rougher than the first time. As the blood was reintroduced after being ozonated, I started seeing flashing lights and feeling very warm. My heart started to beat very rapidly and strongly. I also got a very strong headache. They were fantastic though. Dr. W. came in to make sure everything was ok. They slowed the process down and it completed without any further problem. The headache continued. Dr. W. gave me a chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture to help with the headaches.
Dr. W. was very happy today as the other Dobel patients found a lovely coffee mug with human anatomy in English. Dr. W. was showing everyone his "coffee pot" and smiling with pride about his new gift. I have no idea how I can compete with that one. It was truly the perfect gift!
On the way home, we stopped at a big super-store and needed an alarm clock. I had to play charades with the workers and one of them was laughing so hard at my attempt to convey what I needed. I find the challenges of living here to be fun and just roll with it. Germany is a wonderful place. I could live here I think. This is my third trip to Germany and I know there will be more in the future. I think I will be sad when I have to leave in about 12 days.
Three others here at the same guest house leave on Saturday and then it will be a little lonely. It has been great to share our stories, treatments, approaches, etc. with each other and just to relate to people that don't think it is all in our head like most of the rest of the world. Again, I won't mention names, but they know who they are, and I was pleased to have gotten to know all of them.
Well, tomorrow is another off day. It may be time to go to Baden Baden to try the famous spas.
Off to bed...
It has been great to get to know you as well. :) So much fun in France!! I am anxious to see my family, but will miss being here with all of you. :(
It has been great to get to know you as well. :) So much fun in France!! I am anxious to see my family, but will miss being here with all of you. :(
Heh Scott,
I didn't hear a response from you when Dr. W asked if you miss your teddy bear. : )
Sounds like you're doing GREAT!!! Ozone transfusion, wow. Cool. Tim Gallagher's friend Frank Shallenberger does that in Nevada for cancer.
Don't worry about giving Dr. W a present, I'm sure you as a patient is a great gift!! I bet you guys get along GREAT!
Wondering how you all got locked into a parking garage?
Just so happy for you all to be there and getting well.
Have a WONDERFUL time at the spas!!! So glad you're blogging I look forward to your experiences everday. It's rainy here in Santa Clara, so you're defintely in the better place; healing and taking in a bunch of new experiences!! Have a blast. Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you!
I'm dealing with custody issues and looking for work.
Diflucan is helping a lot, and so is charcoal. Incredible. I see Dr. Gordon on Nov. 7.
Very happy for you! Hi to Russ!!!
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